Important questions


Is our tap water dirty?


The loads and contaminations are different and fluctuate. There are dissolved and undissolved substances. From various bacteria to heavy metals, copper, aluminium, lead to hormones and drug residues (through excretion or improper disposal e.g. in the toilet), pesticides, benzene and chlorine. Estrogens (female hormones from contraceptives) pose a significant risk with clearly perceptible effects (drastic increase in feminization, infertility and impotence in males - human and animal).


What does filter the system of gutewasser?

The cartridges of gutewasser filter over an activated caron block and a bacteria-resistant menbrane.


What is held back? (laboratory value)

Bacteria 99. 99%

suspended solids > 0.15 µm

Treacly metals 90%

Organic connections 99%


Pesticides 99%

Insecticides 99%

Biocides 99%

Drugs 99%

Oestrogen's 99%

In addition, a significant reduction in lime formation / deposition is observed.


Examples of organic compounds: trihalomethanes and per fluorinated surfactants (PFT)

Trihalomethanes are formed by the reaction of free chlorine with organic material. Most of the known by-products are so-called trihalomethanes (chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane and chlorodibromomethane are formed as disinfectant byproducts in the chlorination of drinking water).

Perfluoriated surfactants (PFT) are organic surface-active compounds in which the hydrogen atoms on the carbon skeleton have been completely replaced by fluorine atoms. The two most important PFT representatives are perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOA).

These substances fall under the specification: Substances with reproductive toxic effect. This means they work directly on unborn life – human or animal.

GHS-Piktogramm zur Kennzeichnung von reproduktionstoxischen Gefahrstoffen


Can the “own water” source, well water, river water, cistern water, surface water be filtered?

In combination with a sediment prefilter with the filter fineness of 20 μm, a plant makes sense. In camping and mobile homes with connection for domestic water the operation is possible directly.


How much litre performs a filter cartridge?

A filter cartridge has an achievement up to 5000 litres of cold water to max. 35 degrees of water temperature. A higher temperature of the water already destroys with unique streaming the filter structure.


How often must the filter cartridge be changed?

The EU directive determines (see above) a filter medium change all six months. The achievement of a cartridge of 5000 litres covers the need of a personal household 5 in the culinary tap under normal conditions completely. If the contamination of the water drastically increases (strong vibrations on the power mains, e. g. , by higher power) the watercourse can be thereby reduced and require the cartridge change earlier.


How or where can I buy a good water system or get to know?

Go directly on contact or simply write a mail to




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